Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance

Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance

Life’s big events reunite friends and family, especially a happy event like a wedding. Welp, our bestie Meg is getting married next week so TVRD is back from hiatus, baby. We’re super psyched about the royal wedding because of our personal ties to the bride and groom. Elaine has watched Suits and visited Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace so that counts, right?

Fear The Walking Dead Recap: “Brother’s Keeper”

Fear The Walking Dead Recap: “Brother’s Keeper”

Alicia and Jake are feeling the strain of trying to keep order on the ranch. Jake is still weak from the anthrax. He questions Alicia’s motives for being with him. She has genuine feelings for him and  tells him to go to Hell for suggesting that she’s got an ulterior motive. He asks her to…

FTWD Recap: “Minotaur”/”The Diviner”

FTWD Recap: “Minotaur”/”The Diviner”

After such an explosive start to the first half of season 3, Episodes 9 and 10 allow us to learn more about the stories behind our survivors. Nick and Alicia learned the unpleasant end to Maddie’s drunken, abusive stepfather.  Easy-peasy, a bullet to the brain while he’s passed out. He had raised his hand to…